My crave for simplicity is perhaps what drew me to 10-10-10, a new book by Suzy Welch. The name Suzy Welch might ring a bell for some of you, she is a regular contributor to O Magazine. Having lived a very busy life herself as an author, commentator and business journalist (not to mention MOM to 4 kids ages 14-19!) Suzy dishes up some simple advice for dealing with life's more difficult decisions.
The 10-10-10 concept is basically a way to think through the consequences of your decisions in a 10 minute, 10 month, 10 year time frame. This thought process can be applied to any decision you have to make, whether it be about love, work, family or anything else life might throw at you. How simple! How smart!
I will admit, I tuned out some of the chapters and stories shared in 10-10-10 that didn't really apply to me...at this point in my life. Instead, I focused on the chapters in the book about parenting and career decisions, things I deal with every day.
While I have chosen to be a stay-at-home mom for the time being, it wasn't an easy decision for me to make. It would have been so helpful to have used 10-10-10 to guide me through my thought process. Now that I'm focused on building a career from home, I will continue to use the 10-10-10 concept as I strive to find balance between having a successful career and raising my family with the values that are important to me.
What I love about Suzy's writing is that she offers her readers a tool (10-10-10) that doesn't frame things in black and white. It's an individual's values that will guide them through the 10-10-10 process, meaning results will be as different as people are. So even though staying at home with my children might be the right decision for me, it isn't the right decision for every parent. She even jokes about the ongoing "mommy wars" which we all know is a battle that will never be won! Using 10-10-10 can free you from guilt and any insecurities you might feel about your decision; something I think ANY mom could use!
I would definitely recommend this book to my fellow novice moms. It's a quick read and will leave you thinking more clearly about your life. You can read more about the book on Suzy's website: www.suzywelch101010.com