The intent of starting The Novice Mom was to document my journey of being a stay-at-home mom and budding entrepreneur. My road to being an entrepreneur has been a slow one, but I'm still on it nonetheless! It's been over two years since I started Peekaboo Picks and next week I will be launching my latest project, Rain or Shine Finds. Rain or Shine Finds will be a trend-spotting site just like Peekaboo but will feature only local (Pacific Northwest) companies. I am beyond excited about it! I'm thinking of this as the next step on my path to becoming an entrepreneur. I have the vision, it's just a matter of time. As many of you know, I have a real passion for the mom/baby/maternity world and have enjoyed getting to know so many inspirational moms who have started their own businesses. One being the fabulous Shelly from Plein de Vie. I'm hoping the launch of Rain or Shine Finds will connect me with even more cool local entrepreneurs.
I recently found this inspirational video and thought I would share. I love it! Here's to remembering the kid in me and pursuing my dreams!
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